Introducing Push-Pull Sets

Introducing Push-Pull Sets

I cannot take credit for this idea. The topic of this blog comes from a 17-year-old athlete client, who recently got into weightlifting at the gym. My weightlifter clients are a blast, because we spend most of every session goofing around in my gym space, trying out...
The Science Of Three Days Off

The Science Of Three Days Off

I’m starting a new worldwide movement, a movement to decrease injury and promote health in the sports and fitness world. I’m even creating my own hashtag. I’m going to abolish #NODAYSOFF and replace it with #THREEDAYSOFF. Here’s my claim, and I stand by it: Taking...
Training For Insanity: Slacker Swimmer Takes On The Brute Squad

Training For Insanity: Slacker Swimmer Takes On The Brute Squad

So here’s my deal: Yes, I swim, anyone who has ever talked to me for 5 minutes or less most likely knows this, but I still don’t really identify myself as a “swimmer. “ I started swimming with the Stowe Masters program 7 ½ years ago when I needed to cross train...
Stream Of Consciousness From A Beginner Skinner

Stream Of Consciousness From A Beginner Skinner

I am an expatriate flatlander in northern Vermont. This is probably immediately obvious from my non-crunchy hair, my propensity to drive like a maniac, and my lack of enthusiasm for social events involving the Stone Hut on Mount Mansfield. So it should come as no...
Why I Hate Youth Sports: The PT’s Viewpoint

Why I Hate Youth Sports: The PT’s Viewpoint

I needed a photo, so the above is my little posse, doing their best to appear emotionally traumatized by youth sports, and failing miserably, which I love about them. They’ve learned to not take it all too seriously, although preserving that attitude requires a lot of...
Mountain Biker Health & Safety: To Clip Or Not To Clip?

Mountain Biker Health & Safety: To Clip Or Not To Clip?

When Mark and I started mountain biking about 25 years ago, mountain biking was not trendy. There were no mountain bike seminars, instructors, or clubs. Nobody went around announcing that they were demoing gear like 29” tires, extra wide handlebars, 1X chain rings,...